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Your peek into the secret life of DustMan
So here we are | on July2014 5, 2014
It's been almost three years since my previous entry, "but what has changed since then?", is what you're probably wondering. Well, I want to say that a lot has changed. Looking back at my previous entry it looks like I just started playing Skyrim, which took up about 2-3 weeks of my life. A year later, half my team got sacked at work and I switched product teams. I went to the Grand Canyon, Poland (for work), and to Hawaii. We've slowly been hiring more employees for my new team at work. Comparing it to November of 2011, almost nothing is the same at Parasoft, there has been lots of shuffling around. Outside of work I have moved into my own studio apartment. I used to live with a roommate who I didn't enjoy having around. Turns out living on my own was the way to go for me, I've been satisfied with my new place. Other than that I've still been keeping myself in shape, I've started running more and going to the gym less, which overall has made me feel better since I never really liked the gym and running is more satisfying to me. The only downside is that my poor achilles tendons have been giving me problems because of my intense trail runs, but hopefully it's like my knee issues and will just go away over time. Not a lot goes on in my life, three years and the text above pretty much sums it all up. I just enjoy relaxing way too much to do a whole lot. I do have some goals that need to be fulfilled, I'll just list them here so I don't forget: buy a new car, move into a bigger apartment, plan another vacation, think about buying a house, buy some nice clothes.